You can also call home with the phones in the corner and talk to your Mom for a bit. After the battle, Team Rocket will disappear and the center returns to normal. The snake goes down in about three hits to a level 5 Pikachu. As you try to leave, Jesse and James Team Rocket ambush you. Upon entering the center, the girl from earlier finds you and vows vengeance. Then she takes you to the Pokémon center in town. She said my Pokémon was in bad shape even though he did not have a scratch on him. On your way into the next city, a police officer stops and questions you. Zap! Right after that, the Ho-oh looks nice as it makes its way across the game screen. Then you get into another spear-type incident. Then you take her bike (and morph back to girl if you picked that) and flee the scene of the crime. When you come out the other side, a girl approaches you and acts like you somehow disturbed her fishing spot. The only place you can go that is not tall grass is jumping in the water. After Pikachu defeats the sparrow, four more will block your path back to Pallet Town. If you try to talk to him, a sparrow Pokémon will attack him. When you decide to leave town, Pikachu will refuse to battle with a pigeon Pokémon.

Then PJ mode is over for the rest of the game I presume. Enter electric mouse! Then Oak talks your ear off for a minute, you leave and your Mom stops you on your way out and gives you a few things. Thank you science! Luckily (or is it my destiny?), there is one Pokémon left, but this one is a little hard to handle. You go to his lab in your PJs and he makes you check all the Poke balls on the counter before he tells you all the Pokémon are gone. Then you start dreaming about a certain trio of Pokémon and when it is time to wake up you are already late for your appointment with Professor Oak. If you pick girl, your character will morph into Ash Ketchum when the PJs go on, but your trainer card will still have a girl on it. Ha! The first thing you do in this game is get in your pyjamas and go to sleep. So much for staking out Oak's lab and getting the first pick. If you try to leave your room at first, your Mom stops you. Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 2.5z) Review by: Postman3 - 9.5/10 The Most Accurate Anime Rerun Game Plot This is an interesting one.